Ukrainians in the EU: burden or salvation from staff starvation

Congratulations, you have started a construction business in the EU! But finding employees is more difficult than you thought? We have a solution!

Hiring workers from Eastern Europe, including Ukrainians, is the solution for those who need reliable, skilled labour.

‘Ukrainians live on benefits and are in no hurry to get a job’, – you often hear in response. Such information can be found even in the media.

However, official statistics and the experience of employers in the EU says otherwise.

We have prepared for you an up-to-date analysis of the number of Ukrainians in the EU and analysed the situation in Germany.

Employment situation of Ukrainians in Europe

Today about 4.2 million Ukrainians have temporary protection in the EU.

However, the employment rate of Ukrainian citizens varies from country to country in Europe.

  • Lithuania – 57%
  • Denmark – 53%
  • Poland – 48%
  • Germany – 27%
  • Finland, Norway, Romania and Spain – less than 20%.

It should be noted that Ukrainians are increasingly choosing to work in Western Europe, where salaries are 2-3 times higher than in Poland or the Czech Republic.

Employment situation of Ukrainians in Germany

Why is the percentage of Ukrainians employed in Germany lower than in other EU countries?

The whole point is that Germany adheres to the ‘language first’ strategy. On the one hand, this means a longer integration period for Ukrainians. However, on the other hand, the acquired knowledge increases employment opportunities and more sustainable integration of our citizens in Germany.

In addition, in Germany there are a number of barriers to the recognition of Ukrainians’ diplomas. In Denmark, this issue can be solved with a single application thanks to the digitalisation of the process.

According to the German Federal Employment Agency:

More than 1.1 million Ukrainians are in Germany

855.4 thousand – citizens of working age

541,9 thousand – women of working age

192 thousand Ukrainians are employed.

48 thousand – work part-time.

289 thousand – children and adolescents

117 thousand elderly people (65+ years)

Spheres in which Ukrainians work in Germany

People accustomed to physical labour choose seasonal agricultural work or construction work that does not require high qualifications.  The average salary for such jobs in Germany is 1500-2500 euros net.

Low-qualified jobs can also be chosen by people who have a university degree but are still learning the language to integrate into German society.

The higher the qualification, the more you can earn in Germany. Language skills at least at a basic level are of great importance.

The experience of VAV Synergy’s co-operation with employers in Germany shows that the salaries of more qualified specialists in construction and production are 2,500-3,500 euros net.

Depending on qualifications and experience, the average net salaries in Germany are:

  • Tilers – 2500- 3000 euros
  • Roofers – 2500- 3000 euros
  • Electricians – 2500- 3500 euros
  • Master-universalist – 2500- 3000 euros
  • Welder – 2500- 3000 euros

The following vacancies in Germany are also popular among Ukrainians:

  • Driver 1500-2500 euros net depending on category and experience;
  • chef 1200-2500 euros net depending on qualifications and experience;
  • waiter 1000-1300 euros;
  • maid 1300-2000 euros;
  • cleaner 1200-2000 euros depending on the complexity of the cleaning;
  • caregiver 1000-1700 euros depending on medical education;
  • manicure and pedicure master 1500-2500 euros;
  • production handyman – 1200-1900 euros;
  • warehouse worker – 1500-2000 euros

Which German states have the highest number of Ukrainians

Most Ukrainians live in the four states:

  • North Rhine-Westphalia;
  • Bavaria;
  • Baden-Württemberg;
  • Lower Saxony.

As our long experience shows, Ukrainians are very hardworking and will not sit on benefits when there are real opportunities to earn well.

So do not trust myths and media, leave an application for recruitment in the EU! And we will make sure that new employees will bring your business income and help it to scale up.
