Average salaries in Belgium: what to look for to avoid missing out on top talent

Businesses often run the risk of becoming a forge of personnel if they are not prepared to pay specialists decently. After all, real professionals value their work and time, and it is a thankless task to train newcomers who are willing to work for below-market pay every time. With such an approach, it will be very difficult to scale the business.

If you are just planning to open a business in Belgium or are already actively looking for employees, you will definitely be interested in this information.

VAV Synergy analysts have analysed what the average and minimum wage in Belgium will be in 2024 and compared it with other European countries.


The average wage in Belgium is a reflection of the strong economy of the European Union.

According to the latest changes, as of 1 April 2024, the minimum monthly wage for an employee in Belgium is 2029.88 euros.

Belgium has thus become one of the five European countries where the minimum wage exceeds 2,000 euros.

Highest minimum salaries in the EU:

  • Luxembourg – €2,570.93 per month
  • Ireland – € 2146.30 per month
  • Netherlands – €2,070.12 per month
  • Germany – 2,054.00 per month
  • Belgium – 2,029.88 per month

We also offer a comparison of average net and gross salaries in Belgium with other European countries.

According to the latest data, the average monthly gross salary in Belgium is around €3,832.

Thus, the average gross salary in Belgium is modest compared to, for example, Germany and the Netherlands, but higher than in France.

But the comparison of net salaries in Belgium, as in Germany, reflects the higher tax rates. It is precisely because of high taxes (Belgium up to 54%, Germany up to 47%) that the percentage of wages received relative to gross salaries is lower.

Comparative table

CountryAverage gross monthly salary (в €)Average net monthly salary (in €)Minimum salary (in €)

The average salary from employers in Belgium with whom VAV Synergy co-operates is 2600-3200 euros (construction, production, logistics, service).

If you are also willing to pay skilled workers from Eastern Europe fairly and on time, we are happy to cooperate.

Fill in the application form for a free consultation and our managers will contact you as soon as possible.
