How to properly motivate your employees?

Staff turnover always has a negative impact on the development of a company. To stop this process, you need the right motivation for your employees. The task of every manager is to create such an atmosphere at work that people do not want to leave.

In this article, let’s talk about managing employee motivation: financial and non-financial methods and approaches that increase the efficiency of the company as a whole.

A clear list of responsibilities, clear rules in the company, a transparent bonus system and career growth prospects, a friendly atmosphere and respect for each team member are the main rules that contribute to long-term co-operation.

Financial motivation of employees

A person comes to work in order to earn money. High remuneration is not always a guarantee that an employee will work for the company for a long time, but in most cases it is the dominant motivation to work.

What is the right way to motivate people to earn more?

  • Clear goals and plans for the week, month, quarter – if people understand the scope of work, know their responsibilities and how much they will earn, it increases their ability to work.
  • Transparent bonus and bonus system – always keep your promises.
  • Clear career opportunities (long-term motivation) – even a person works as a simple construction worker or driver, it is important for them to understand their prospects for professional growth and therefore financial well-being.
  • Encouragement for good ideas or constructive suggestions – every person, regardless of their position, is pleased to be listened to, and if ideas are realised and paid for, motivation to work increases many times over. 

Non-material motivation of employees

In order to avoid having to look for new employees often, you need to create a favourable working environment. Think about non-financial motivation, which sometimes works even better than financial motivation.

 What can be done?

  1. Create a comfortable working environment. Even if it is a construction site, warehouse or farm, provide a warm place to eat, shower and change clothes.
  2. Provide, if possible, workers with quality and comfortable tools, warm working clothes.
  3. Encourage teamwork, create a friendly atmosphere in the team.
  4. Share your knowledge, tell about innovations in your field. At the same time, listen to your specialists and learn from their experience.
  5. Appreciate and praise your employees for good work, dedication to the common cause. When summarising the results, try to use the phrases “we achieved success”, “we managed to complete the work on time”, “we managed to do everything”.

Personalised advice for CEOs 

A good team atmosphere depends a lot on the manager personally. If you want to motivate your staff, follow some simple rules:

  1. Form the right work expectations and set clear requirements for your employees.
  2. Have a constant dialogue with your team. Even if it’s only a few minutes a day, you should spend time talking to people.
  3. Be part of the team, the distance between the manager and the employees reduces motivation to work.
  4. Behave at work the way you would like your employees to behave.
  5. Develop yourself, gain new knowledge and share it with your colleagues.

These simple rules, tangible and intangible motivation will help you create a team of motivated people who are happy to go to work.

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