Signs that it is time for you to use the services of an employment agency

“Personnel decide everything” – a completely hackneyed phrase, which at the same time does not lose its relevance, but on the contrary – the problem of selecting good staff from year to year is becoming more and more acute, and recruiting more dynamic, complex. Competition in this industry is growing very fast.

To find out if you are one of those employers facing a staffing challenge, answer a few questions honestly (yes or no):

  1. Do you have high staff turnover in your company, but you don’t understand the reasons for it?
  2. Does it take a lot of time and effort to find new candidates, but you have hired the wrong person again?
  3. Administrative services are too expensive for your company and it is difficult for you to control the work of responsible persons?
  4. Is recruitment uneven and unstable?
  5. Hot vacancies take a long time to close and you are losing business because of it?

If most of your answers are in the affirmative, it’s time to start thinking about how to solve your problem. 

For a small or medium-sized business with up to 100 employees or a start-up, mistakes in recruitment can be fatal.

Recruitment only seems easy at first glance, it’s a whole system that allows you to find the perfect person for you among hundreds of CVs.

That’s what employment agencies are for, they offer a range of services. 

Most professional agencies will be able to help you:

  • grow your business and increase profits;
  • conserve resources;
  • redirect your energy into new ideas and plans.

How does the company manage to achieve such goals? The secret lies in a comprehensive approach, which includes:

  1. Unique selection systems (questionnaires, in-depth interviews), which allow us to quickly and accurately find out a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, motivation and goals.
  2. a staff of professional recruiters who are constantly learning and improving their skills. The market is changing very quickly and you need to be ready for new challenges.
  3. Our own database of proven candidates in different industries, which allows us to close vacancies in just 1-2 weeks.
  4. Company security service that screens out unscrupulous people with bad reputation.
  5. Professional lawyers, accountants and other specialists who close a number of related issues.

A good agency is always responsible for the quality of its work, values its reputation and business relations. 

VAV Synergy, thanks to many years of successful experience in legal employment in EU countries, knows everything about how to optimise the recruitment process for different types of companies. 

Don’t waste your time on endless interviews and one-sentence CVs – entrust it to a professional and we won’t let you down.